Average rating based on 5 review(s)

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I love the water heater, the $$ it saved, and the ability to fill up the hot tub in one shot!!

Rated by Larry Smith

Fantastic, I love the fact that you can install it and leave it do the work. No pilot light to blow out, and if the power goes out, the batteries take the load and you still have hot water. How-be-it a candle light shower, (for TWO?) never-the-less a hot shower.

Rated by Able Brown

The 16L water heater is working great! We love it. This one replaced a Bosch 125X that never worked consistently. This one does the job and has not let me down. Thanks again. ic

Rated by Irvin Clack

after a minor glitch (nothing to do with the heater) and a super fast response from the owner, i am very pleased to say this heater works exactly as described. i should say works much better than described because at the full water flow setting, and the pretty cold water at my home (64 degrees water) the temp rose to 94 as measured with a digital thermometer. on the low flow setting on both the heater and my outside faucet, the water temp then rose from 64 to a very hot 132 degrees! thats a pretty impressive rise IMO!!! thank you for your help glk, you surely know your product!!!

Rated by dominic navarro

I have been purchasing these units for the past 7 years. and they are great. I highly recommend this company. They are wonderful in their customer service Thank you George You are a great business man Dave from NJ

Rated by David Bulka
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